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Angled Pedal Risers vs. Flat Pedal Risers - A Comprehensive guide to Pedal/Pedalboard Risers

Updated: Jul 7

Know when and where to use angled pedal risers vs flat pedal risers on your pedalboard.

In this guide, we show you exactly how to plan out the pedal risers you will need to get the most out of your pedalboard whether its a flat board or an angled board!

NCD - Full Angled Board Remodel Kit - Modular Pedal Riser Solution

So, you have come this far in your quest to build your pedalboard and realize that you need to adjust the height of your pedals to make use of every millimeter of space on your pedalboard without inadvertently kicking a knob or engaging an adjacent pedal. However, now you find yourself in another conundrum where you are not quite sure which risers to choose.

We are going to lay things out simple and break things down in this guide and help you figure out what you need to BUILD YOUR BOARD YOUR WAY.

Lets discuss an important question:

What are the differences between flat and angled pedal risers?



Flat pedal risers are the most common riser you will find across the pedal/pedalboard riser world. They are designed with one main goal, GETTING YOUR PEDAL HIGHER OFF THE PEDALBOARD. There are a plethora of pedal risers in the market today. However, most options force you in to one size restriction or another whether it be a large platform or a pedal specific design.

Flat pedal risers work great on both angled and flat pedalboards and provide elevation to the pedal. This helps to boost the pedal higher than an adjacent pedal so that you can have 2 pedals close to each other without having to worry about the footswitches being to close. (See image below).

NCD Risers - Stilt, XL Stilt & Sky Scraper - Modular Pedal Riser Solutions

Our risers bring an entirely different approach to this by making use of a more modular and compact design. You pick the corners or edges of a pedal and place them however you need in order to provide stability to the pedal and possibly even take advantage of wire routing opportunities. This makes our risers universal, no matter the pedal or pedalboard. You can buy our risers today to meet one need and down the road, when you are changing your layout, you can use these risers to meet a different set of needs and boost different pedals.

Check out our flat pedal riser solutions below:

The Pictures below showcase the sizes of our flat risers and some of the many ways that you can use them!



Angled pedal risers on the other hand are more difficult to track down in a modular form. They are designed to help minimize the overall height of lift given to a pedal, all while lifting the footswitch above the pedal directly below. There are some angled riser options on the market today but most of them are more of a platform that spans across a certain distance. NCD Risers changes this problematic design flaw by using modular angled platforms that will fit underneath most pedals and allow you to space them out however far or close you want or need to ensure you only take up the valuable real estate on your pedalboard.

NCD Risers help put the control over space used on a pedalboard back in to the users hands!

Angled risers are designed specifically for angled pedalboards and provide elevation to the footswitch while minimizing the overall height increase given to all of the pedals receiving lift from angled pedal risers. (See the images below).

Our angled risers bring an entirely different approach to this by making use of a more modular and compact design. You pick the edges of a pedal and place them however you need in order to provide stability to the pedal and possibly even take advantage of wire routing opportunities. This makes our risers universal, no matter the pedal or pedalboard. You can buy our risers today to meet one need and down the road, when you are changing your layout, you can use these risers to meet a different set of needs and boost different pedals.

Check out our angled pedal riser solutions below:

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